
ReLaunch Harp Demo

     This week I worked on the harp mode, which I briefly demonstrated in this video .  I updated the project version to 1.1 and uploaded it to github (on the sidebar of the home page).        This operating mode is more intuitive and simplistic than the first one I made, so it doesn't warrant a whole document of explanation.  For the sake of recording my progress, here's what I added to the code. new function harpConfig changes to button interpreter 2 new button down modes for harp pedals and harp notes 1 new button up mode to cut off the harp notes added in config changer buttons in both config modes

Relaunch First Demo

YouTube link Did a quick demo of how to use ReLaunch, as well as a test of my camera.  Unfortunately, my $20 webcam does not have the right exposure settings to film, so I had to settle with pointing a flashlight at it.  

The Project Timeline

 As I've previously stated, my project is in a comfortable state.  I have the basic array of features set up for my project, with a working prototype I have used in my composition process.  My future work will be in adding additional performance modes and for creative expression. March 3: This post 7 - 10: Spring Break 14 - 17: Operating mode 2, including at least 2 new button modes 21 - 24: Operating mode 3 28 - 31: Debugging April 4 - 7: Operating mode 4 11 -14: Operating mode 5 18: Debugging 21 - 28: Leniency time (make up lost time or go fast and use this for an extra special operating mode Finals : Final polish

Huge wait for Huge Progress.

It's Alive!      I would like to officially announce the project has hit 1.0!  I started a git repo, which can be found here .  It has a readme with a less detailed project description and a WIP debugging guide to help you get it working on your machine. 1.0 features 1.0 has 1 predifined mode, chordo, and 5 button functionalities. How to use:      use miniAudicle's window -> device browser to look at which devices are on which channels.  Make sure mout is opening your launchpad's MIDIOUT2, min is opening your launchpad's MIDIIN2, and malt is opening an internal midi channel.  If you don't have one, I recommend LoopBe, which is what I use on my machine.  I think this may require a restart.      BEFORE YOU RUN THE PROGRAM, set your launchpad to programming mode.  You can do this by holding the session button for 2 seconds and pressing the orange button.  Double tap the session button to cancel the animation...


SideQuest: configure any DAW so you can compose music online      I have a lot of things to work on as a college student.  Aside from developing this project, I am also programming for a math class, writing for an art class, and composing for my games class.  I have been quite thoroughly sidetracked by that composition.     Here's what I learned from setting up Reaper, my second digital audio workstation.  DAWs are a hub, but they need instruments to work.  These instruments come in the form of plugins.  Normally, you just download the plugins, which put their "handles" in the right place, and your DAW automatically finds them.  If  that doesn't work, you can add a new folder to the paths your DAW and rescan.      This took me 3 hours to figure out. How hard it should have been How hard it was     Quest Rewards:  I will readily admit this was a huge time sync with the single benefit of getting some...

My Models

Launchpad project Examples      The launchpad is a brilliant piece of technology, beloved by many.  This means that plenty of people have done all sorts of cool things with them and shared them in all sorts of ways. YouTube     It may not be the most technical way to document your work, but making YouTube videos is a great way to make your work into popular content.  I'll start by going through a couple examples I appreciate. Composerily  makes impressive visual performances with their launchpad.  Each song has a unique layout of notes and a unique visual effect.  The respective visual effects of each notes even seem to change between notes.  All this is to say that I can pursue live performance or tools for others to create their own performance with confidence that it will be a cool project. Peers     Aaron Lockwood did an interesting project on the launchpad in this class last year.  I don't really intend on ...

Programmer's Reference Manual | 2.1

     The launchpad mini comes with a very useful manual from novation: the Launchpad Mini Programmer's Reference Manual .  I'll be using this post to document my first reading of the document with some notes.  This is ramble-y, so read at your own risk.     First of all, there's a bootloader mode that has a couple useful tools.  The bootloader mode can be accessed by "holding the capture midi button when plugging the device in" which is something I have not yet figured out.  Going through the more general user guide  showed me the mode I was really looking for: the settings menu.  The settings menu gives access to a couple of important things, but most importantly it is the place to switch between live and programmer mode.     The programmer mode is bound to be the crux of the project.  The user manual says, " In Programmer mode Launchpad Mini loses access to Session Mode, and Custom Modes and the entire surface (pads...