Huge wait for Huge Progress.

It's Alive!

    I would like to officially announce the project has hit 1.0!  I started a git repo, which can be found here.  It has a readme with a less detailed project description and a WIP debugging guide to help you get it working on your machine.

1.0 features

1.0 has 1 predifined mode, chordo, and 5 button functionalities.

How to use:

    use miniAudicle's window -> device browser to look at which devices are on which channels.  Make sure mout is opening your launchpad's MIDIOUT2, min is opening your launchpad's MIDIIN2, and malt is opening an internal midi channel.  If you don't have one, I recommend LoopBe, which is what I use on my machine.  I think this may require a restart.
    BEFORE YOU RUN THE PROGRAM, set your launchpad to programming mode.  You can do this by holding the session button for 2 seconds and pressing the orange button.  Double tap the session button to cancel the animation.  You can do the same thing but press the green button to return to normal operation.


    The bottom 4 rows are for the palette.  the 4x8 pad is a 32 note chromatic scale with the C's colored green.  This scale can be moved higher with the blue buttons and lower with the red buttons, with the dark buttons moving it by and octave and the light buttons moving it by a note.
    The top 4 rows start with no midi value, but can be edited.  When you press a toggle play/edit button on the right, it will change a group of buttons purple, indicating that they can be edited. In this mode, when you press them, they will copy the last played note.  To set up a bunch of notes quickly, just play the note you want on the palette and then press the button you want to set.  Once you're done, press the toggle button again, setting the color of the editable notes back to normal, and play away.

Button Functionalities

I've implemented 5 modes that a button can have.  All buttons change color when pressed
mode 1 is note-playing, meaning it will play a note and change color when pressed.
mode 2 is off.  It does nothing when pressed.
mode 3 is note setting.  The button will copy the midi value of the last mode 1 button pressed.
mode 10 is midi offset.  It changes every notes midi value by a set amount per note.  So far I've used it to offset the palette by notes or octaves.
mode 20 is set zone control.  This will switch buttons from note playing to setting and back.  Buttons are purple when editable.

Future Plans

    I'm announcing 1.0 because I've gotten the project to work in a way I wanted and it's very usable right now.  I could move on to the next project at this stage, but I have so many more things I want to do with the architecture I've built so far.  For one thing, I want to build a "harp mode", where each key can be adjusted chromatically to facilitate arpeggios.  I have some other ideas bouncing around my head but they aren't as cemented as that one.  I also have some ideas for tweaks to the current project, but we'll see about those.
    I'm going to keep expanding on this.  I think there's a lot of cool stuff to be done here.  I think my final goal is to make the launchpad programmable ON THE LAUNCHPAD, so you can set it to do what you want on the fly without even using your computer keyboard or mouse!  Doesn't that sound cool!  We'll see.
Xander out.
